Lucie Faulerová: online presentation in Spanish

The author will be presenting the Spanish edition of her literary debut Dust Collectors (Atrapadores de Polvo), published by Huso, Madrid, to Spanish readers via a Zoom video conference on 5 May at 7 p.m. The online meeting organised by the Czech Center in Spain will also be attended by the owner of the Huso publishing house, Mayda Bustamante, and the director of the Czech Center in Madrid, Stanislav Škoda.
The novel Dust Collectors (Lapači prachu), which quickly became a sensation in the Czech Republic, tells the story of a young woman’s disorganized life and the disturbing secrets of her family.
The presentation on Zoom can be joined using the following link:
ID: 736 6788 0723
Password: 0sNimB
Author photo: Ondřej Lipár