
The World Clock

Original title: Světový orloj
Publisher: Druhé město, Brno, 2017
ISBN: 978-80-7227-399-7
90 pages

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This poetry collection by Sylva Fischerová is not a book for a single reading, and it is not just another “poet on the move” volume. It is the sum of the author’s life and lyrical experience, sort of a personal topography in which particular places appear as projections of history and its events. An important role is given to the people closest to the writer — especially to her father, philosopher J. L. Fischer, and to both of her sisters; we witness the father’s emigration to the Netherlands during the Second World War, and the emigration of her sister Viola, also a poet, after August 1968. The texts are packed with meaning, unusual images and original expressions, and the book as a whole flows in a distinctive, original rhythm. However, it is better to read it slowly, keep coming back to various passages and rethink the author’s words. Few recent collections of Czech poetry are worthy of this kind of attention.

Fischerová writes supremely well about the eternal world-weariness of cognizant beings.


Other books by Sylva Fischerová

Short Stories
Experimental Fiction
Age: 5+, Children's Literature