Julia and Hmyza
A funny book about two girls having amazing adventures in a Prague suburb, thanks to their vivid imagination.
Would you like to meet some carnivorous mushrooms? Or the forms from a magnetic board that float in the air above your head? Have you ever heard of giraffe tonsilitis? Or how to bring to life a mermaid who lives on a concrete wall next to a wandering kidney? Do you know how to find Julia’s Land? Or, say, your land, if you have one? Well, join Julia and Hmyza. Maybe they will take you there… and maybe it won’t be that far away.
This book about the adventures of two little girls from a Prague suburb is full of wit and humor, inventiveness and lively dialogues. The author has an extraordinary grasp on language, and her little heroes’ dialogues are perfectly genuine, at once funny and serious. It is a book about the power of childrens’ fantasy.
These stories – which map the adventures of two little girls who live in a housing development – have the unique charm of immediacy that is missing in most children’s books being published these days. There is no message surpassing a child’s understanding and concern. It is a fascinating book which does not offer a moral but is truly about our childrens’ lives.