Tereza Boučková

An internationally recognized best-selling author, Boučková, grew up in a political environment that prevented her from using her talents. She was born in 1957 – a time when Czechoslovakia was in the depths of communism. Because of her father, the writer and dissident Pavel Kohout, the regime denied her many privileges; for example, she was prevented from studying drama at a Theatre Faculty.
Since 1989 Boučková has devoted herself entirely to her writing. She has published eight books of prose and journalism, and some have been published in translation. She is also devoted to writing screen plays and stage dramas. In her most successful novel, The Year of the Rooster (Rok kohouta), she explores the deep life crisis that she experienced when she adopted two Roma children.
Boučková’s style, which combines subtle humor with a narrative ingenuity, ensures an extraordinary reading pleasure.