Eli Beneš

Eli Beneš was born in 1976 in Prague. He studied English and American Studies and Czech Language and Literature at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University. Later he attended the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, where he studied Journalism and Media Studies with a specialization in television and radio. He graduated from the Paidea Project-Incubator at the European Institute for Jewish Studies in Stockholm and the Ami-Ad programme in Tel Aviv. For fourteen years he was a presenter at Prague-based Radio 1, where he focused primarily on Czech electronic projects and bands; he was also the owner of a music publishing company and a long-time composer of music for Czech Television and other media. He also occasionally teaches electronic music at the Electronic Music Academy Prague. He has worked in the media, first as an editor-in-chief of several magazines, later as a publisher. He currently works for the media house Seznam.cz. A Slight Loss of Loneliness is his debut novel.
One of the best Czech books of the year. Overwhelmingly impressive.