Phila, Sophie and the Emerald Tablet
Original title: Fíla, Žofie a Smaragdová deska
Publisher: Mladá fronta, Prague, 2018
ISBN: 978-80-204-4984-9
Illustrations: Lucie Dvořáková
112 pages
Age: 6+, Children's Literature
A funny, thrilling fairytale which plays with Greek mythology and the ancient art of alchemy. The book has an interactive concept. After every chapter children will find a quiz to solve.
In this charming fairy-tale two siblings want to help their mother, who has lost her golden ring. But they can’t afford to buy her a new one. Luckily they meet a mythical dragon, who tells them about the philosopher’s stone, which can change ordinary metals into gold. Phila and Sophie follow the dragon into the mysterious country of Alchemy, where they experience great adventures, and meet many characters from greek mythology. And of course they can give the ring back to their mother in the end.